Contracts & Tariffs

General terms and conditions

Our general terms and conditions are always approved by the Belgian Commission for Electricity and Gas Regulation (CREG) and adopted by the Luxemburgish Institute for Regulation (ILR).

– the balancing program ( FR / EN versions )
– the balancing code ( FR / EN versions )
– the balancing agreement ( FR / EN versions ) was notified to the ILR on 3 June 2021

Tariffs of Balansys S.A.

Our tariffs and general principles for determining and revising the balancing tariffs are always approved by the Belgian Commission for Electricity and Gas Regulation (CREG) and by the Luxemburgish Institute for Regulation (ILR).

Balancing tariffs 2022

The ILR approved, by decision ILR/G21/44, the balancing tariffs applicable in the BeLux Area from 1 January 2022.

Decision ILR/G21/44 of 2 December 2021

The CREG approved, by decision (B)2121/3, the balancing tariffs applicable in the BeLux Area from 1 January 2022.

Decision (B)2121/3 of 2 December 2021


Tariffs (Archive)

Gas reference price

Pursuant to Article 2.2 of the Balancing Code, the European Gas Spot Index ZTP published by the European Energy Exchange (EEX) serves as the Gas reference price (GPd).

BeLux neutrality account

BeLux neutrality account

Balancing Services

Imbalance Pooling Service allows the transfer of the hourly imbalance from one Network User to another Network User.
After completing the form by the two Network Users please send it to the following address:
Additional information to help you fill out the form can be found in the balancing code and balancing program, documents which can be found at the top of this page.