Becoming a Network User

Become a Network User in the BeLux Market Area:

  1. Contact us Balansys and register with Fluxys Belgium and Creos Luxembourg

a) Contact us:
Phone: +32 2 282 7777

b) Register as a Network User with Fluxys Belgium and Creos Luxembourg

  • In order to get active as a Network User in the BeLux Market Area you need therefore to register with your TSO Fluxys Belgium.
  • In order to get active as a Network User in the BeLux Market Area under the responsibility of Creos Luxembourg you need additionally to register with your TSO Creos Luxembourg.

You need to comply with creditworthiness criteria for the Standard Transmission Agreement (STA) with Fluxys Belgium and for the Contrat Cadre Fournisseur (CCF) in order to get active within the BeLux Market Area under the responsibility of Creos Luxembourg.

  1. Provide company and financial info
  1. Accept contract terms

Balansys S.A.
Sales Support
Avenue des Arts, 31
1040 – Brussels

  1. Meet credit requirements of the Balancing Agreement

Either you:

  • Have an acceptable credit rating which corresponds to a rating for the Network User’s long term unsecured and non-credit enhanced debt obligations of not less than BBB+ by Standard & Poor’s Rating Services or Fitch Ratings or not less than Baa1 by Moody’s Investor Services; or
  • Provide an unconditional and irrevocable parent company guarantee by your parent company who has such acceptable credit rating; or
  • Need to submit a collateral under the form of a bank guarantee. The minimum amount of the bank guarantee is calculated in accordance with Article 7.2.2. of the BA.

Please use following templates for the bank guarantee and for the parent company guarantee.

  1. Approved as a Network User

Welcome as a new Balansys Network User!